In the entire universe, plants are more rare than diamonds!

That is why at Tuinzo, we crafted a mobile application dedicated to plants. Our goal is to collect, analyze and share information of the plant kingdom. Step by step we will grow, maybe slow but steady.


Explore around you and make observations of plants. Follow up your progress and track spotted plants inside the app.


Contribute additional information of your favorite plant. Suggest a correction and it will be shared among all members.


For our future and environment, everybody will have to do their bit. With Tuinzo, you support this and help provide better information and awareness.


Keep your favorite plants close, add them to your digital garden and get an overview of what needs to be done for every plant.


Kickstarter campaign

After the prototype application is crafted, a Kickstarter campaign will be launched. Our goal is to reach €10.000. This will cover the deployment, server costs, maintenance cost and additional taxes or fees for a period up to 2 years. There will be several pledges, each with it’s own benefits to reach this goal.

Alpha release

Based on the pledge, users will get access to the alpha release. After several rounds of feedback, we will proceed to the beta release.

Beta release

Beta release will come out several months after the alpha release. During the Beta release, additional improvements will be added (like multiple language support) if pledged. Multiple versions will be released over time.


The official release will make the application available to non kickstart users. With the official release, there will be a yearly subscription of €29.99. This subscription fits in the long term vision of providing support and continuous improvements, as well as the support of scientific research.


For sponsors and founding members.


Plant enthusiasts who made a pledge through Kickstarter.


New members can now join.

Landing image


  • More than 1.000.000 plants.

  • Over 20.000 classifications.

  • Edit and improve missing information.

  • Keep track of all your observations.

  • Digital garden

  • Coming soon!

Landing image 2

iOS and Android

Supporting the most popular mobile operating systems.

Coming soon!

Landing image 3

Supports scientific research

Information sharing is important. The goal is to help researchers, companies, schools or individuals with information we collect.

Coming soon!

Sponsor or Founding Member

Does your organization want to become a sponsor? We offer 3 tiers: bronze, silver and gold. If you do not have an organization, you can become a Founding member (more info coming soon).


More is comingThe application is still under development

When the prototype is ready, a Kickstarter campaign will be launched.